International conference on Kidney Failure & Renal Care which is scheduled to be organized on November 23-24, 2020 in Tokyo, Japan. The Kidney Care 2020 mainly focuses on Novel educational approaches to enhance learning and interest in Nephrology & Urology. The detailed information about the systemic conditions that affect the kidneys and systemic problems that occur because of kidney problems. The conference will focus around the theme “A Revolutionary Approach Towards Kidney Care”.
Kidney Care 2020 intends to give various and flow training that will keep medicinal experts side by side of the issues influencing the avoidance, finding and treatment of topic related to Nephrology.
This conference also covers topics on Nephrology, Urology, Kidney, Renal Nutrition & Metabolism, High Blood Pressure, Robotic Nephrectomy, Diabetic Nephropathy, Clinical Nephrology, Pediatric Urology
International conference on Kidney Failure & Renal Care

International conference on Kidney Failure & Renal Care which is scheduled to be organized on November 23-24, 2020 in Tokyo, Japan. The Kidney Care 2020 mainly focuses on Novel educational approaches to enhance learning and interest in Nephrology & Urology. The detailed information about the systemic conditions that affect the kidneys and systemic problems that occur because of kidney problems. The conference will focus around the theme “A Revolutionary Approach Towards Kidney Care”.
Kidney Care 2020 intends to give various and flow training that will keep medicinal experts side by side of the issues influencing the avoidance, finding and treatment of topic related to Nephrology.
This conference also covers topics on Nephrology, Urology, Kidney, Renal Nutrition & Metabolism, High Blood Pressure, Robotic Nephrectomy, Diabetic Nephropathy, Clinical Nephrology, Pediatric Urology
International conference on Kidney Failure & Renal Care
Theme: A Revolutionary Approach Towards Kidney care
Kidney Care 2020
Conference series LLC LTD extends its invitation for you to attend International conference on Kidney Failure & Renal Care which is scheduled to be organized on November 23-24, 2020 in Tokyo, Japan. The Kidney Care 2020 mainly focuses on Novel educational approaches to enhance learning and interest in Nephrology & Urology. The detailed information about the systemic conditions that affect the kidneys and systemic problems that occur because of kidney problems. The conference will focus around the theme “A Revolutionary Approach Towards Kidney Care”.
Kidney Care 2020 intends to give various and flow training that will keep medicinal experts side by side of the issues influencing the avoidance, finding and treatment of topic related to Nephrology.
This conference also covers topics on Nephrology, Urology, Kidney, Renal Nutrition & Metabolism, High Blood Pressure, Robotic Nephrectomy, Diabetic Nephropathy, Clinical Nephrology, Pediatric Urology
Why to attend?
The aim of this conference is to make a platform where the ideas can be shared from the Nephrologist and Urologist. This year we have gathered nephrology experts from around the continent who were specially chosen to highlight some of the most exciting areas in nephrology and urology over the past few years. The program was planned to meet the specific needs of the diverse registrants and stakeholders interested in Nephrology and Urology field. This year we really want to engage the audience in the conversation of nephrology & urology with panel discussions, workshops, in addition to lectures with Q+A. We aim to arrange plenty of opportunities to interact and network with each other.
Target Audience:
- Nephrologists
- Urologists
- Renal Experts
- Pediatric Nephrologist
- Kidney coordinators
- Renal Transplantation surgeons
- Nephrology Associations and Societies
- Business Entrepreneurs
- Training Institutes
- Software developing companies
- Manufacturing Medical Devices Companies
- Data Management Companies
- Nephrology Nurses
- Gynecologist
- Research scholars
- Budding scientist
Track 1: Nephrology
Nephrology is a part of medical science that deals with function and diseases of the kidneys and it aims on the diagnosis and treatment of kidney diseases. The kidneys are paired retroperitoneal organs that lie at the level of the T12 to L3 vertebral bodies. The kidney has a fibrous capsule, which is bordered by pararenal fat. The kidney is divided into renal parenchyma, consisting of renal cortex and medulla, and the renal sinus containing renal pelvis, calyces, renal vessels, nerves, lymphatics and perirenal fat. The renal parenchyma has two layers: cortex and medulla. The renal cortex stays slightly below the capsule while the renal medulla consists of 10-14 renal pyramids, which are separated from each other by an extension of renal cortex called renal columns. The kidneys serve essential functions, including filtration and excretion of metabolic waste products (urea and ammonium); regulation of necessary electrolytes, fluid, and acid-base balance; and stimulation of red blood cell production. They also serve to regulate blood pressure via the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, controlling reabsorption of water and maintaining intravascular capacity.
Track 2: Dialysis
Dialysis works on the purpose of the diffusion of solutes and ultrafiltration of liquid over a semi-penetrable layer. Diffusion is a property of substances in water substances in water tend to move from a territory of high fixation to a range of low concentration. The two primary kinds of dialysis, Hemodialysis and Peritoneal dialysis removes wastes and water from the blood in various ways. Hemodialysis removes wastewater by circling blood outside the body through an outer filter called a dialyzer that contains a semipermeable layer. There are mainly five types of dialysis among which three are primary and two are secondary types of dialysis: Hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis, hemofiltration are primary types of dialysis and were as hemodiafiltration, and intestinal dialysis is minor type of dialysis.
Track 3: Urology / Urinary Tract Infections
A urinary tract infection certainly occurs when bacteria pass in the urinary tract through the urethra and initiate to growth in the bladder. Although the urinary system is designed to keep out such microscopic intruders, these defenses sometimes fail. When that occurs, bacteria may take hold and grow into a full-blown contamination in the urinary tract. Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are very predominantly in women, babies and older people.
Track 4: Acute Kidney Injury
Acute kidney injury (AKI) is an unpredicted incident of kidney failure or kidney damage that occurs within a few hours or a few days. AKI causes a build-up of waste products in your blood and makes it tough for your kidneys to keep the right balance out of fluid in your body. AKI can also distress other organs such as the brain, heart, and lungs. Acute kidney injury is general in patients who are in the hospital, in intensive care units, and especially in older adults.
Track 5: Nephrology Nursing
Nephrology Nursing is a planned attempt to increase nursing knowledge by the discovery of new facts through systematic analysis. It includes: Progress in patient care, Reduced cost of kidney care requirement, Accountability and protection against litigation, Addition to the existing body of nursing knowledge, Enhancement of nursing as a career. Renal care nursing is the field of nursing with a focus on the most severe consideration of the discriminatingly sick or unsteady chronic kidney patients. Contamination revolution and nursing consideration is the control concerned with turning away nosocomial or health awareness related disease, a functional (as opposed to scholastic) sub-order of the study of infection transmission. Infants who need escalated restorative consideration are frequently conceded into a unique region of the clinic called the Neonatal serious care and nursing consideration. The part of secondary in discernment nursing consideration: Critical deliberation medical attendants work in a wide assortment of settings, filling numerous parts including bedside clinicians, attendant teachers, medical caretaker analysts, medical caretaker supervisors, clinical medical caretaker authorities and medical attendant professionals. Measurements of Renal Care Nursing's objective is to give attendants exact, current, and relevant data and lodging to exceed expectations in discriminating consideration rehearse.
Track 6: Renal Nutrition & Metabolism
Renal nutrition is concerned with the special nutritional demands of kidney patients. Renal nutrition is involved with ensuring that kidney patients eat the right foods to make dialysis efficient and improve health. Dialysis clinics have dieticians on staff that who help out patients plan foods. Standard rules are eating more high protein foods, and less high salt, high potassium, and high phosphorus foods. Patients are also advised on safe fluid consumption levels.
Track 7: High Blood Pressure (Advanced Hypertension)
Hypertensive kidney disease is a medical condition describing to impairment to the kidney due to chronic high blood pressure. It can be divided into two types: benign and malignant. Benign nephrosclerosis common at the age of 60 where malignant nephrosclerosis is uncommon and affects 1-5% of individuals with high blood pressure, that have diastolic blood pressure passing 130 mm Hg. It should be differentiated from renovascular hypertension, which is a form of secondary hypertension. In addition, HN can be described to as hypertensive nephrosclerosis, benign nephrosclerosis, and nephroangiosclerosis
Track 8: Heart and blood vessel (cardiovascular) disease
Kidney disease may also lead to heart infection or coronary illness because of this more than 20 million people died in the U.S. with chronic kidney disease. Chronic kidney disease causes the risk of death from cardiovascular disease. Coronary disease cause for more than half of all deaths among individuals with CKD (Chronic kidney diseases). Indeed, even early or mellow renal disease ailment puts a man at higher danger of heart ailments and heart attacks and heart disease-related death. Kidney dialysis patients who also have cardiovascular infection are died 10 to 30 times higher than in the general cardiovascular patients. Diabetes and hypertension are main risk factors for heart disease and chronic kidney disease. The infection can induce the danger of cardiovascular ill, even with hypertension, high cholesterol and concurrent diabetes. New researches show that kidney diseases (renal diseases) induce heart disease, even before the kidneys are harmed to the point of requiring dialysis or transplantation.
Track 9: Kidney and Bladder Cancer
A department of medicine which deals with the study of typical kidney function, kidney problems & their treatment. It also involves Renal replacement therapies. Acute kidney failure: Disfunction of the kidneys to filter the waste from the blood. Decreased urinary output, swelling due to urinary retention, nausea, short breath is some of the symptoms. Acute tubular necrosis was death of the tubular epithelial of the renal tubules in the kidneys. Use of nephrotoxic drugs & low blood pressure are the common causes. Diabetes insipidus- A condition in which kidneys prevent the excretion of water. Hypocalcemia & Several Other Case Reports Linked to Nephrology. Every nephrologist have extensive instruction in general internal medicine, and several nephrologists will treat their patients for other factors as well kidney problems. It’s important that patients tell their kidney physicians if they notice any changes in their health.
Track 10: The End Stage Renal diseases & Chronic Kidney Diseases
End-stage renal disease also termed as chronic kidney diseases (CKD) comprise conditions that damage kidneys and impair their ability to keep you hygienic by abnormal function. On condition kidney disease gets worse; wastes can accumulate to high levels in your blood and make you feel ill. You may develop issues like anemia, high blood pressure, weak bones, nerve damage and poor nourishing health. Also, kidney disease elevates your risk of having coronary disease and cardiac problems. These difficulties may occur slowly for a long period of time. Diabetes and high blood pressure are the two main reasons of chronic kidney disease.
Track 11: Robotic Surgery
Robotic surgery, are supported surgery are conditions for technological developments that use robotic systems to aid in surgical procedures. Robotically assisted surgery was developed to overcome the constraints of pre-existing minimally invasive surgical procedures and to enhance the capabilities of surgeons doing open surgery.
Track 12: Diabetic Nephropathy
The diabetic kidney disease sometimes also called as diabetic nephropathy is a renal related problem usually occurs in some people with diabetes mellitus. In diabetic nephropathy filters of the kidneys and glomeruli become damaged. In this condition the kidneys leak abnormal amount of protein from blood into the urine. If anyone has diabetes, the blood glucose, or blood sugar levels are very high. For prolonged period, this can damage the kidneys. The role of kidney is to clean your blood. In case they are damaged, waste and fluids accumulate in your blood with out of leaving from your body. If the kidney harm by diabetes is called diabetic nephropathy. Typically, it starts long before you have notice symptoms. The starting sign of it is small quantity of protein in urine. By urine test we can detect diabetic nephropathy or blood test can also determine the operation of kidneys.
Track 13: Metabolic, Fluid & Electrolyte disorders
The renal system supports and avoids changes in liquid electrolyte or acid–base similarity till the Glomerular filtration rates decreased to below 25 ml/min because of a series of versatile changes, both Renal and extra renal. With dynamic reduction in renal capacity these modules are overpowered creating about unsettling influences in water digestion system adding to hypernatremia and hypernatremia. The modified control of sodium transport causes exasperated volume status including volume over-burden and exhaustion. The rate of Hyperkaliemia and metabolic acidosis is more incessant in Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) with GFR beneath 10 ml/min. In this survey article we will endeavor to audit the renal and supplementary renal change components looking after liquid, electrolyte and caustic base equalization in endless kidney illness alongside variables which cause disappointment of these instruments.
Track 14: Renal Pathology-Immunology
The kidneys are often targeted by pathogenic immune responses against renal auto antigens or by local symptoms of systemic autoimmunity. For the diagnosis renal pathologists use special tests and electron microscopes to identify the cells implicated in diseases affecting the kidneys. Kidney biopsies permit us to analyses renal disorders; review anticipations; help in the resolve of a precise restorative approach; and screen ailment change in both local and allograft transplant kidneys. To greatly abuse renal biopsy examples, a blend of light, immunofluorescence and electron microscopy is used. Each microscopy involves distinctive strategies for fixation and preparing, so each renal biopsy centers are commonly separated into three sections.
Track 15: Kidney Diseases & Diagnosis of Kidney Diseases
There are several hospitals offering kidney treatments involving dialysis and transplantation. They are well known for health care and fast recovery is promised from the hospital combined with a pleasant and suitable caring atmosphere. According to the global statistics they were nearly 12000 Hospitals in cites associated with food treatments and 17790 doctors of USA working in the hospitals. Numerous renal diseases like Polycystic Kidney Disease are result from genetic factors. In polycystic kidney disease total number of cysts improves in the kidney, these cysts gradually replace the mass of kidney. Impairing kidney function and take the lead to renal failure. Your nephrologist will do to slow or control the reason of your kidney disease. Depending on the root, several types of kidney disease can be cured. Frequently, chronic kidney disease has no prevention. If your kidneys turn out to be extremely harmed, you may need treatment for end-stage kidney diseases. By then, dialysis or a kidney transplant is required. Since no in option and Ayurveda prescription for kidney can treat kidney disappointment effectively, the best technique is to join them. Immunotherapy, as one significant leap ahead in treating end-stage kidney illness, is only a blend of cutting edge western healing advances and customary home-grown drugs
Track 16: Kidney Transplantation
Kidney transplantation or renal transplantation is the transplant of a kidney into a patient with end-arrange kidney diseases. Kidney transplantation is commonly named dead donor known as cadaveric or living donor transplantation relying upon the source of the giver organ. The Living doner of kidney transplants are previously differentiated as non-related living transplants or, living related shifts contingent upon whether a genetic relationship exists between the kidney donor and kidney recipient. Exchanges and chains are a novel way to deal with grows the living donor pool.
Track 17: Pediatric Nephrology
The study of pediatric nephrology defines diagnosis and management of infants with a chronic and acute kidney disorders. The division of pediatric nephrology assesses and treats hypertension, hematuria, proteinuria, renal tubular acidosis, nephrolithiasis, glomerulonephritis and kidney damage in children. It also includes complete care to pediatric patients with end stage kidney syndromes, including respect to patients experiencing peritoneal dialysis, hemodialysis and kidney transplantation in infants.
Track 18: Geriatric Nephrology
The aims of this research were to assess the clinical utility of total and local bone densitometry in a large continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) population and to decide the clinical, biochemical, and radiographic variables that best identified osteopenia CAPD patients. In this broad review, we examine there are several types of acute nephritis. They are Interstitial Nephritis: The spaces between the renal tracks that form urine become inflamed. Pyelonephritis: This type of acute nephritis produces inflammation in the glomeruli. Interstitial Nephritis: This type is often caused by an allergic reaction to a medication or antibiotic.
Track 19: Clinical Nephrology
It covers the hypothesis and treating of renal syndromes, including primary and secondary hypertension and electrolyte disturbances, and the care of those requiring renal replacement treatment, including dialysis and renal transplant patients. Numerous diseases influencing the kidney are systemic scatters not limited to the organ itself and may require uncommon treatment. Illustrations incorporate procured conditions, for example, systemic vasculitides and immune system disorders, lupus and innate or genetic conditions, such as, polycystic kidney diseases. Patients are described to clinical nephrology doctors after a urinalysis, for different reasons, such as, acute kidney failure, hematuria, proteinuria, chronic kidney diseases, kidney stones, hypertension, and disarranges of acid/base or electrolytes.
Track 20: Drugs for Kidney Diseases
Though medicine cannot reverse chronic kidney disease, it is often used to help treat symptoms and complications and to slow further kidney damage. Most of the people those who have chronic kidney disease have problems with high blood pressure at some time during their disease. Medicines that reduce blood pressure help to keep it in a point range and stop any more kidney damage. You may need to try several blood pressures medicines before you find the medicine that controls your blood pressure well without bothersome side effects. Most people need to take a combination of medicines to get the best results. Your doctor may order blood tests 3 to 5 days later you start or change your medicines.
Kidney Care 2020 conference is the leading event which rotates between continents and is organized in alliance with regional nephrology societies with the innovative theme “A Revolutionary Approach Towards Kidney Care”.
Summary of Kidney Care Conference
Kidney Care deals with study of kidneys as well as its illnesses like normal kidney function, kidney problems, the treatment of kidney stone problems and renal replacement therapy, CKD which are common like hemodialysis and kidney transplantation. Kidney function studies: Improved levels of blood urea nitrogen and creatinine are the hallmarks of acute renal failure. Systemic illnesses that affect the kidneys as diabetes and autoimmune disease and systemic complications that occur as a result of kidney problems as renal osteodystrophy and hypertension are also studied in nephrology. A medical doctor who took extra training to become an expert in nephrology may call themselves a nephrologists or renal physician
International event on Kidney Failure & Renal Care will discuss the latest skills and therapeutic features developed for various kidney diseases which include renal transplantation, dialysis equipment’s and other procedures complicated in treatment of Chronic Kidney Diseases and End Period Renal Diseases. The Kidney care 2020 highlights the theme of “A Revolutionary Approach Towards Kidney Care".
Kidney Care 2020 welcomes world class nephrologists and kidney specialists from leading universities and research institutions making the conference a perfect podium to share experience, foster collaboration across industry and academic circles, and evaluate emerging technologies across the world.
According to fresh statistics report, nearly 26 million adults apart from young and old aged individuals are suffering from Chronic Kidney Disease illnesses and millions of others are at increased risk. The totals of Kidney transplantations are apparently very high and, in the year of 2015, alone, there are around 15000 kidney transplantations. Due to the rapid growth for the risk of renal disorders, Kidney Care 2020 aims to decrease the incidence rate of kidney disease through its international conference on nephrology and cordially invites participants across the globe to deliberate and arrive under possible solutions for one of the major critical problems of mankind.
Scope and Importance of Nephrology Research
Kidney Care 2020 conference has been fostering the need to control the impact of permanent renal disease within the public health environment. The lack of a systematized regulator provided through a measurable program has greatly impacted on the level of hospital expense since they have improved their case-mix risk, family economies deteriorate and health care pays for a higher morbimortality that could be avoided with better investigation and epidemiological control. Kidney Care 2020 aims to bring together leading Researchers, Academicians, Physicians and Industrialists to exchange and share their skills and research in order to decrease the incidence rate of kidney disease by new methods and latest technologies.
Members Associated with Nephrology Research
There are more than 1,00,000 professional members from 126+ countries. In addition, with eminent scientists from across 120 countries, Directors & CEO’s, Post Docs, Researchers, Physicians including transplant surgeons, Directors & Brand Manufacturers/ Marketers of Consumer Products Immunologists, Professors and Students from the field of Nephrology.
Hospitals Associated with Nephrology Research
There are several hospitals which offers kidney treatments including dialysis and transplantation. They are well known for health care and fast recovery is promised from the hospital combined with a pleasant and suitable caring atmosphere. According to the global statistics they were nearly 11500 Hospitals in cites associated with kidney treatments and 17000 doctors of Middle East working in the hospitals.
Societies Associated with Nephrology Research
Nephrology Societies leads the fight against kidney infection by educating health professionals, sharing new knowledge, advancing research, and advocating the highest quality care for patients. As per the statistics they were 9,000 Nephrology societies across the globe.
Major Nephrology Societies around the Globe
International Society of Nephrology (ISN)
American Society of Nephrology (ASN)
Japanese Society of Nephrology (JSN)
Indian Society of Nephrology (ISN)
Canadian Society of Nephrology (CSN)
Hong Kong Society of Nephrology (HKSN)
Australian and New Zealand Society of Nephrology (ANZSN)
Malaysian Society of Nephrology (MSN)
National Kidney Foundation (NKF)
Saudi Society of Nephrology and Transplantation (SSN&T)
Industries Associated with Nephrology Research
Profiles of 1600 leading Industries out of 35production and functional industries were involved with each component of this diagnostic system is designed and developed with utmost engineering using most advanced technology considering the requirements of clinicians engaged in interventional procedures.
Universities Associated with Nephrology Research
Albany Medical College
Boston University School of Medicine
Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons
David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
Florida State University College of Medicine
Georgetown University School of Medicine
Indiana University School of Medicine
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Loma Linda University School of Medicine
Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine
Ohio State University College of Medicine
Tulane University School of Medicine
University of Maryland
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
Weill Cornell Medical College
Yale University School of Medicine
Market Value on Nephrology Research
The global nephrology market will grow from nearly $3.8 billion in 2012 to $4 billion in 2013. In 2014 to be worth $6.3 billion for a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 2.7%.This year, the global market for products used in the fight against kidney diseases will be worth an estimated $5.5 billion, according to a new technical market research report, the Global Nephrology Market, from USA Research. Market revenue is forecast to increase at a five-year compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8% from 2013 to 2018, totaling nearly $6 billion in 2018, and it is estimated that on an average 25% of the population throughout the world will be effected with Kidney Diseases by 2025 according to source.
Market Growth of Nephrology Research in the last and upcoming ten years
The growth in the number of training programs and slots has likely been driven by a variety of factors, including a perceived workforce shortage, efforts by both academic and private practice nephrologists to enhance their own workforce to meet clinical demands, and the laudable desire to develop and maintain teaching programs by both academic and practicing nephrologists. This increase in training slots has led to a dramatic increase in nephrologists. Between 2015 and 2020, nephrology grew more rapidly than any internal medicine subspecialty other than geriatrics. The increasing number of graduating trainees and practicing nephrologists may in the near future, if it has not already, lead to a sluggish job market for new trainees.
Products manufactured by the industry related Nephrology Research and its Market Value in Japan:
- Japanese Society of Nephrology
- The Japan Diabetes Society
- International Kidney Evaluation Association Japan
- The University of Tokyo Hospital
Fund Allotment to Nephrology Research
Being one of the major fields of Internal Medicine, Nephrological research received a funding of more than 5 billion dollars annually across the globe. Nearly $560 million is being funded on Kidney diseases alone per year. The maximum level of funding is $80,000 per year in Middle East and shall be used principally to support the global development as well as training-related expenses.
Statistics of Marketers, Researchers and Academicians working on Nephrology
The Kidney Care 2020 conference gathers renowned scientists, physicians, surgeons, young researchers, industrial delegates and talented student communities in the field of nephrology under a single roof where networking and global partnering happens for the acceleration of future research. Following are the areas for targeting the audience from:
Physicians 1000
Student 1500
Academia 280
Therapist’s 1200
Conference Series LLC Ltd hosted the “14th World Nephrology Conference”, during July 23-24, 2018, at Melbourne, Australia with the theme, “Advanced innovations and current trends in the field of Nephrology” which was a great success. Eminent keynote speakers from various reputed institutions and organizations addressed the gathering with their resplendent presence.
We extend our grateful thanks to all the momentous speakers, conference attendees who contributed towards the successful run of the conference.
World Nephrology 2018 witnessed an amalgamation of peerless speakers who enlightened the crowd with their knowledge and confabulated on various latest and exciting innovations in all areas of Nephrology research.
World Nephrology 2018 Organizing Committee extends its gratitude and congratulates the Honorable Moderators of the conference, Vijitha Burra, Jay deva Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences & Research, India for his remarkable contribution towards smooth functioning of this esteemed event.
Conference Series LLC Ltd would like to thank all the Honorable Guests and Keynote Speakers of World Nephrology 2018
Dr. Ajdinovic Boris, Military Medical Academy, Serbia
Dr. Khin Maung Maung Than, Defence Services Medical Academy, Myanmar
Dr. Depuru Bharathi, Sri Padmavathi Mahila Visvavidyalayam, India
Conference Series LLC Ltd is privileged to felicitate World Nephrology 2018 Organizing Committee, Keynote Speakers, Chairs & Co-Chairs and also the Moderator of the conference whose support and efforts made the conference to move in the path of success. Conference Series LLC thanks every individual participant for the enormous exquisite response. This inspires us to continue organizing events and conferences for further research in the field of Nephrology.
Conference Series LLC Ltd therefore is glad to announce its “15th World Nephrology Conference”, which will be held during May 20-21, 2019, in Tokyo, Japan. We cordially welcome all the eminent researchers, students and delegates to take part in this upcoming conference to witness invaluable scientific discussions and contribute to the future innovations in the field of Nephrology.
Conference Highlights
- Nephrology
- Dialysis
- Urology / Urinary Tract Infections
- Acute Kidney Injury
- Nephrology Nursing
- Renal Nutrition & Metabolism
- High Blood Pressure (Advanced Hypertension)
- Heart and blood vessel (cardiovascular) disease
- Kidney and Bladder Cancer
- The End Stage Renal diseases & Chronic Kidney Diseases
- Robotic Surgery
- Diabetic Nephropathy
- Metabolic, Fluid & Electrolyte disorders
- Renal Pathology-Immunology
- Kidney Diseases & Diagnosis of Kidney Diseases
- Kidney Transplantation
- Pediatric Nephrology
- Geriatric Nephrology
- Clinical Nephrology
- Drugs for Kidney Diseases
To share your views and research, please click here to register for the Conference.
To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World
Conference Date | Nov 23-24, 2020 | | ||
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Special Issues
All accepted abstracts will be published in respective Our International Journals.
- Journal of Renal Medicine
- Journal of Nephrology & Renal Diseases
- Journal of Clinical & Experimental Nephrology
Abstracts will be provided with Digital Object Identifier by